California Canine’s Group Classes include puppy classes, obedience classes, agility classes, and workshops. Our classes work at your dog’s pace and moving to the next level is based on demonstrated mastery of the behaviors. Get your puppy off on the right track by starting early with socialization and basic manners. Our basic obedience courses eventually lead to therapy dog training so we are confident that doing your homework and being patient with your dog leads to the best success for both of you. Our agility classes are meant to be fun, exciting and enjoyable for everyone! Our workshops specialize in specific skills like recall, loose leash walking, and therapy dog prep, which require consecutive weekly attendance. All our group classes are small and dogs must be dog friendly!
California Canine’s Puppy Classes start laying a solid training foundation early. We offer three puppy classes:
Puppy Pre-K: Teaches your pup to play nicely with other dogs and people. Class topics include house training, nipping/biting, crate training, and more! All puppies are between 9-16 weeks old with age based vaccinations completed.
Puppy Manners: Teaches basic manners to help with focus. Puppy challenges like jumping and chewing are addressed. All puppies are between 4 months - 9 months old and are fully vaccinated. Are you looking for the AKC Puppy S.T.A.R. Program? We offer this through our Puppy Manners classes.
Agility for Puppies: Teaches the basics of movement and body awareness including stretching while keeping equipment low to protect their growth plates. Classes are fun and puppies are never forced to do the equipment. All puppies are between 4 months - 9 months old.
California Canine’s Obedience Classes focus on helping your dog make good choices. Our classes work at your dog’s pace and moving to the next level is based on demonstrated mastery of the behaviors. We offer four levels of obedience classes:
Fundamentals of Obedience: Teaches basic manners skills including Watch Me, Sit, Down, Stay, Leave It, and more! Graduation requirements include leaving treats on paws and stays from 10 feet away with limited distractions. Ask about our Outdoor version of this class.
Intermediate Obedience: Builds on basic skills by challenging dogs to perform these skills in close proximity to other dogs and people. Loose leash walking and come when called skills are introduced. Graduation requirements include doing behaviors with treats given intermittently. Ask about our Outdoor version of this class.
Canine Good Citizen Prep: Prepares the dog to pass the Canine Good Citizen test. Skills include sitting for petting, walking through a crowd, loose leash walking, and more! Passing this test is a prerequisite to Therapy Dog class.
Advanced Obedience: Challenges owners and dogs that want to keep learning. Teaches tricks, beginning rally, imitation games, and more. The class is fun and everyone works independently but learn from each other.
Agility training reinforces obedience, physically tires out your dog, as well as mentally stimulates them through intense focus while your dog is having fun. All or our agility classes are meant to be fun and give dogs the ability to explore new experiences without being forced. We celebrate everyone’s success! Agility classes include:
Agility 1 - Intro to Agility Equipment: Teaches the basics of each piece of equipment slowly and safely. The class is with your dog on leash as well as off leash with lots of positive reinforcements (aka treats!). The goal is for everyone to have fun!
Agility 2 - Intro to Handling Skills: Teaches fluidity on the equipment with short sequences. Builds confidence on the weaves and teeter while learning the basics of off leash handling.
Agility 3 - Intermediate Agility Coursework: Teaches the dog to string multiple pieces of equipment together while adding speed and accuracy. Advanced handling skills are introduced.
Agility 4 - Advanced Agility Coursework: Teaches advanced handling skills in longer courses. Problem solving mistakes is part of the fun!
Agility - Weaves and Teeter: Focus is on building confidence with these obstacles which tend to be the most difficult for dogs.
Workshops take obedience training beyond the basics. These classes are offered throughout the year and require consecutive weekly attendance. Currently we are offering the following workshops:
Call Me!: Teaches reliable recall in a three week workshop by increasing focus and distractions every week. This is class is fast paced and fun and requires that you do your homework. Your dog will be more responsive to you than ever!
Loose Leash Walking: Teaches walking skills in a three week workshop by using a variety of methods that include focus on owner and building value for owner proximity.
Therapy Dog Certification Prep: Prepares you and your dog to take the Therapy Dog International’s certification test and participate in therapy dog work with hospitals, schools, senior centers and more. This class is six weeks long and the test is given on the last day of class.
Group classes are fantastic to help your dog focus on you while they are experiencing distractions of other dogs and people all around them. To attend group classes, dogs must be able to ignore other dogs (no barking or lunging) or by trainer approval only. If you are unsure about your dog’s friendliness with other dogs, please schedule a reactive dog evaluation with a trainer.
Group classes are purchased in packs of 5 or 10. The more you buy the more you save!
Each class pack has an expiration date based on the date of purchase: 5 pack expires in 8 weeks and 10 pack expires in 16 weeks. Expiration dates are beneficial in ensuring dogs are attending classes at least once a week to get the most out of the training program.
Workshops are purchased separately and there are no make up sessions for missed classes.
Each class will have students at different levels of a certain behavior until they have mastered all skills and move up to the next level of class.
No six week continuous class attendance requirement - come once a week or more. (does not apply to workshops)
Our group classes are NOT drop-in: you must sign up in advance via online, phone call, or at the facility.
Class packs can be used for both agility and obedience classes and can be shared amongst sibling dogs.
Classes are small. Obedience classes are limited to 8 dogs and agility classes are limited to 5 dogs. Other workshops may have even smaller size classes. Please note that if you do not sign up in advance, we cannot guarantee walk-in availability.
If you are signed up for a class and are unable to attend, we have a 24-hour cancellation policy otherwise you will lose that class credit.